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Kardiolitos klinikos

Ukmergės g. 219, 07152 Vilnius
(+370) 62033383
Atsidarys 8.00
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Vivus sanus klinika - ligoninė, UAB
Paliūniškio g. 2C, 35001 Panevėžys
 (+370) 45503646

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Osteomedika, kineziterapijos klinika
nan km | Ukmergės g. 219, Vilnius
backache/back pain spinal pain headache scoliosis faulty posture spinal hernia rehabilitation physiotherapy physiotherapy in Vilnius physical therapists physical therapist in Vilnius osteopathy clinic manual therapy dizziness migraine...
Ąžuolyno klinika
1.1 km | Ąžuolyno g. 5A (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
mood disorders Depression depression treatment anxiety anxiety Disorders adjustment disorders addiction treatment dependance on alkohol addiction behavioral disorders detoxification anxiety treatment drug-related disorders adjustment disorders alcohol addiction treatment detoxification maintenance treatment...
Biokorekcijos centras
1.2 km | Laisvės pr. 79E (Pašilaičiai), Vilnius
spinal hernia back pain backache/back pain spinal aches spine treatment treatment spinal hernia treatment treatment treatment treatment having a leg pain osteochondrosis treatment neck pain treatment...
1.4 km | Rygos g. 3 (Justiniškės), Vilnius
gynaecologist urologist dermatovenereologist laboratory tests echoscopy ambulatory operations obstetrical assistance ovarian cysts pain thrush skin diseases colposcopy cytological examination intrauterine spirals contraception myomas...
Sugihara, grožio terapijos ir chirurgijos klinika, UAB
1.6 km | Č. Sugiharos g. 3 (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
private medical centres in Vilnius plastic surgery dermatology breast augmentation plastic surgeon facial plastic surgery medical lasers cosmetic facial procedures body treatments SPA massages hairdressing salon beauty therapy dermatologist intense pulsed light moles removal of skin defects...
Antėja UAB „Diagnostikos laboratorija“
1.8 km | Viršuliškių g. 65A (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
laboratory of medicine blood tests medical consultations vaccination diagnostics medical consultation vaccination general blood test till offices thyroid hormone tests tumor markers/cancer markers B sex hormones allergy tests allergen tests tick-borne encephalitis...
Sveikatos klinika, Viršuliškės
1.8 km | Viršuliškių g. 34 (Viršuliškės), Vilnius
family doctors laboratory tests ultrasonic tests echoscopy tests urgent research disease prevention children's orthopaedist paediatric gastroenterologist dentists children's physicians paediatricians obstetricians gynaecologists prenatal care urologists endocrinologists orthopedists traumatologists...
Aušros vartų ligoninė
1.9 km | Justiniškių g. 64-5 (Justiniškės), Vilnius
addiction treatment alcoholism narcotic addiction smoking detoxification sobering up treatment alcohol narcotics smoking grass HIV psychiatrist psychotherapist psychologist toxicologist...
Dantų specialistai, odontologijos klinika, UAB
2 km | Oršos g. 5, Vilnius
dental clinic in Vilnius emergency dental care oral surgeon dentistry children dentist children's dentistry panoramic X-ray radiograph lipoma tooth decay treatment dental filling dental implants oral hygiene dental tartars dental prosthetics in Vilnius dentures...
Pašilaičių šeimos medicinos centras, UAB
2 km | Žemynos g. 2 (Pašilaičiai), Vilnius
family doctors obstetricians-gynaecologists pregnant school optician paediatricians urologists ORL dentists neurologists urologists Allergists otorhinolaryngologists echoscopy prosthetic dentistry vaccination preventive examinations...
Senamiesčio psichiatrijos ir psichoterapijos centras, filialas, VšĮ
2.1 km | Krokuvos g. 60-95, Vilnius
Depression anxiety phobic disorders sleep disorders personality disorders adjustment disorders eating disorders alcohol-related disorders tobacco-related disorders drug-related disorders sexual disorders psychosomatic disorders post-traumatic stress disorders psychiatrist psychiatrists psychologist...
Medozonas, ozono terapija
2.1 km | Giedraičių g. 60A (Šnipiškės), Vilnius
ozone therapy ozone ozone for diseases ozone therapy ozonator/ozone generator ozonators/ozone generators domestic ozone generator Medozonas NEOZON medical ozone generators supply of ozonized oil OZONID ozonide cream good face cream...
Vilniaus psichoterapijos ir psichoanalizės centras, VšĮ
2.1 km | Žalgirio g. 90 (Šnipiškės), Vilnius
psychiatrists family psychologist psychotherapists children psychologists psychologists psychologists services psychotherapy psychotherapy services psychiatrists psychotherapists psychologists sexpathologists psychological support divorce
Asmens sveikatos klinika, UAB "Mednetas"
2.1 km | Žalgirio g. 90 (Šnipiškės), Vilnius
psychiatrists family psychologist psychotherapists children psychologists psychologists psychologists services psychotherapy psychotherapy services psychiatrists psychotherapists psychologists sexpathologists psychological support divorce
Vilniaus dietologijos centras
2.2 km | J. Kazlausko g. 6, Vilnius
dieticians diet diet healthy nutrition/healthy diet Cleaning the body body mass index weight obesity weight loss overweight overweight food selection food intolerance cholesterol slimming diet nutrition...
Vilniaus lazerinis centras, UAB
2.2 km | J. Kazlausko g. 6, Vilnius
skin diseases nail fungus dermatologist dermatologist in Vilnius dermatologist's consultation cellulite treatment destruction of cellulite Cellulite removal treatment for warts treatment of ingrown nails moles removal hair removal photoepilation removal of vascular removal of capillaries treatment for sweating...