V. Petrausko medicinos kabinetas

Vytauto g. 76B-2, Tauragė (Affiliates)
Hemorrhoids treatment, hernia, required surgical, wart removal, hemorrhoids, bleeding from the anus, constipation, anal pain, itching
Atsidarys antradienį 15.00
Vytauto g. 76B-2, Tauragė (Affiliates)

Surastos įmonės gretimuose miestuose Jurbarke
Laidente, UAB

Laidente, UAB

Lino g. 1, Jurbarkas (Affiliates)
Oral hygiene, surgical odontology, bridges, tooth root treatment, metal ceramic, tooth extraction, dentist, teeth whitening, dentistry
Atsidarys 9.00
Lino g. 1, Jurbarkas (Affiliates)
Laidente, UAB

Laidente, UAB

Vytauto Didžiojo g. 7-18, Jurbarkas (Affiliates)
Oral hygiene, surgical odontology, bridges, tooth root treatment, metal ceramic, tooth extraction, dentist, teeth whitening, dentistry
Atsidarys 9.00
Vytauto Didžiojo g. 7-18, Jurbarkas (Affiliates)

Jurbarko ligoninė, VšĮ

Vydūno g. 56, Jurbarkas
Surgery, surgical procedure, anesthesia, supportive treatment and care, psychiatry, traumatology, gynaecology, urology, palliative care
Vydūno g. 56, Jurbarkas
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