Results 3

Thyroid ultrasound in Panevėžys

Vilnius Kaunas Klaipėda Šiauliai Panevėžys Marijampolė Tauragė

Diagnozė, UAB

Nemuno g. 75-245, Panevėžys
Ultrasonography in Panevėžys, thyroid ultrasound in Panevėžys, liver ultrasonography in Panevėžys, kidney ultrasonography in Panevėžys
Atsidarys 8.00
Nemuno g. 75-245, Panevėžys
AJ klinika, MB

AJ klinika, MB

P. Puzino g. 10, Panevėžys
Myomas, inflammation of uterine appendages, pregnancy determination, intrauterine spirals, climax, ultrasound, gynecology Cabinet
Atsidarys 9.00
P. Puzino g. 10, Panevėžys
Gyd. V. Bružienė ir kolegos, UAB

Gyd. V. Bružienė ir kolegos, UAB

J. Bielinio g. 24, Panevėžys
Thyroid treatment, thyroid ultrasound examination, thyroid biopsy, angiosurgeon, leg venous ultrasonographic assesments, scleral therapy
J. Bielinio g. 24, Panevėžys
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